
(because of phishing calls, the phone number has been adjusted with letters)
Chamber of Commerce 66040485 - BTW NL856370058B01
Human Innovator is tradename of Inspired People Work B.V. and a registered trademark
in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg via our holding Shifting Energy B.V.
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In the context of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Act (25 May 2018), we need your written permission to process your personal data (name, email, and IP address) for receiving our newsletter through La Posta, which is GDPR proof. We carefully protect your data through automatic encryption by that mail server system. We will, of course, not give nor trade your information to third parties.
With your registration for our English newsletter, you permit us to use your email address only to send you the newsletter. You can withdraw this permission at any time by unsubscribing from our newsletter.
Upon registration, you will receive the latest newsletter as soon as possible.
Protection of personal data GDPR
The European Privacy Regulation General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is about the 'protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of that data.'
Power of a drop
General Terms & Conditions
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